1: from bottle import route, run, template, get, post, request, static_file
2: import sqlite3
3: import os
4: import wiringpi
5: import sendsms2
6: import datetime
7: from datetime import timedelta
9: @route('/hello/<name>')
10: def index(name='World'):
11: return gettemps()
13: @route('/main')
14: def test(name='World'):
15: wiringpi.digitalWrite(24,1)
16: cOutput = createOutput("")
17: wiringpi.digitalWrite(24,0)
18: return cOutput
21: def getTemps():
22: now = datetime.datetime.now()
23: cStartTime = now - timedelta(hours=1)
24: #cur.execute('select sensors.*,sensorcodes.sensor_short,sensor_desc from sensors,sensorcodes where sensors.sensorshort = sensorcodes.sensor_short order by dateread desc LIMIT 30')
25: rows = cur.execute('select dateread,sum(case when sensorshort="5" then sensorvalue end) sensor_5,sum(case when sensorshort="6" then sensorvalue end) sensor_6,sum(case when sensorshort="7" then sensorvalue end) sensor_7 from sensors where dateread > "' + str(cStartTime)[:19] + '" group by dateread order by dateread desc limit 30')
26: data = cur.fetchall()
27: cOutput = ""
28: for x in range(0,len(data)):
29: #Returning dateread, temperature and sensor location/description
30: cOutput = cOutput + '#tr##td#' + ''.join(str(data[x][0])) + '#/td##td#' + ''.join(str(data[x][1])) + '#/td##td#' + ''.join(str(data[x][2])) + '#/td##td#' + ''.join(str(data[x][3])) + '#/td##/tr#'
31: return cOutput
33: @get('/login') # or @route('/login')
34: def login_form():
35: return '''<form method="POST" action="/login">
36: <input name="name" type="text" />
37: <input name="password" type="password" />
38: <input type="submit" />
39: </form>'''
41: @post('/manage') # or @route('/manage', method='POST')
42: def manage_submit():
43: smstext = request.forms.get('smstxt')
44: smstext = smstext + '\nSent from my Raspberry Pi'
45: number = request.forms.get('smsnumber')
46: carrier = request.forms.get('carrier')
47: if (len(carrier) == 0):
48: carrier = "txt.bellmobility.ca"
50: cSMSSent = sendsms2.sms("SMS",smstext,number,carrier)
51: cOutput = createOutput(cSMSSent)
52: return cOutput
55: @get('/<filename:re:.*\.(jpg|png|gif|ico)>')
56: def server_static(filename):
57: return static_file(filename, root="./images")
59: @get('/<filename:re:.*\.(js)>')
60: def server_static(filename):
61: return static_file(filename, root="./js")
63: @get('favicon.ico')
64: def fav_icon():
65: return static_file("favicon.ico", root="./images")
68: # Return CPU temperature as a character string
69: def getCPUtemperature():
70: res = os.popen('vcgencmd measure_temp').readline()
71: return(res.replace("temp=","").replace("'C\n",""))
73: # Return RAM information (unit=kb) in a list
74: # Index 0: total RAM
75: # Index 1: used RAM
76: # Index 2: free RAM
77: def getRAMinfo():
78: p = os.popen('free')
79: i = 0
80: while 1:
81: i = i + 1
82: line = p.readline()
83: if i==2:
84: return(line.split()[1:4])
86: # Return % of CPU used by user as a character string
87: def getCPUuse():
88: return(str(os.popen("top -n1 | awk '/Cpu\(s\):/ {print $2}'").readline().strip(\
89: )))
91: # Return information about disk space as a list (unit included)
92: # Index 0: total disk space
93: # Index 1: used disk space
94: # Index 2: remaining disk space
95: # Index 3: percentage of disk used
96: def getDiskSpace():
97: p = os.popen("df -h /")
98: i = 0
99: while 1:
100: i = i +1
101: line = p.readline()
102: if i==2:
103: return(line.split()[1:5])
105: def gnuplot():
106: now = datetime.datetime.now()
107: cStartTime = now - timedelta(hours=1)
108: rows = cur.execute('select dateread,sum(case when sensorshort="5" then sensorvalue end) sensor_5,sum(case when sensorshort="6" then sensorvalue end) sensor_6,sum(case when sensorshort="7" then sensorvalue end) sensor_7 from sensors where dateread > "' + str(cStartTime)[:19] + '" group by dateread order by dateread desc limit 30')
109: data = cur.fetchall()
110: cOutput = ""
111: for x in range(0,len(data)):
112: #Returning dateread, temperature and sensor location/description
113: cOutput = cOutput + ' ' + ''.join(str(data[x][0])) + ' ' + ''.join(str(data[x][1])) + ' ' + ''.join(str(data[x][2])) + ' ' + ''.join(str(data[x][3])) + "\n"
114: cDatafile = open("images/graphdata.txt","w")
115: cDatafile.write(cOutput)
116: cDatafile.close()
117: cPlot= os.system("gnuplot gnuplotconfig.txt")
118: return True
120: def createOutput(cSMSSent):
121: # CPU informatiom
122: CPU_temp = getCPUtemperature()
123: CPU_usage = getCPUuse()
124: # RAM information
125: # Output is in kb, here I convert it in Mb for readability
126: RAM_stats = getRAMinfo()
127: RAM_total = round(int(RAM_stats[0]) / 1000,1)
128: RAM_used = round(int(RAM_stats[1]) / 1000,1)
129: RAM_free = round(int(RAM_stats[2]) / 1000,1)
131: # Disk information
132: DISK_stats = getDiskSpace()
133: DISK_total = DISK_stats[0]
134: DISK_used = DISK_stats[1]
135: DISK_perc = DISK_stats[3]
136: cSystemInfo = "CPU Temperature = " + CPU_temp + "#BR#" + "CPU Usage = " + CPU_usage + "#BR#" + "RAM Total = " + str(RAM_total) + "#BR#"
137: cSystemInfo = cSystemInfo + "RAM Used = " + str(RAM_used) + "#BR#" + "RAM Free = " + str(RAM_free) + "#BR#" + "Disk Total = " + DISK_total + "#BR#"
138: cSystemInfo = cSystemInfo + "Disk Used = " + str(DISK_used) + "#BR#" + "Disk Percentage Used = " + str(DISK_perc) + "#BR#"
140: cOutput=template('index1',cData=getTemps(),cSystemInfo=cSystemInfo,cSMSSent=cSMSSent)
141: cOutput = cOutput.replace("#BR#","<BR>")
142: cOutput = cOutput.replace("#td#","<td>")
143: cOutput = cOutput.replace("#/td#","</td>")
144: cOutput = cOutput.replace("#tr#","<tr>")
145: cOutput = cOutput.replace("#/tr#","</tr>")
147: gnuplot()
148: return cOutput
152: wiringpi.wiringPiSetupSys()
153: wiringpi.GPIO(wiringpi.GPIO.WPI_MODE_SYS)
154: wiringpi.pinMode(24,wiringpi.OUTPUT)
155: conn = sqlite3.connect('templog.db')
156: conn.text_factory = str
157: cur = conn.cursor()
161: run(host='', port=8080)